Non-Profit Screening

Safety 1st: is designed for folunteer and non-profit organizations. This screening service provides a report that includes criminal data information on the full name and alisases used by the volunteer, dates at listed addresses, validity of the SSN provided, age/date of birth and available phone information.

Bankruptcy Report: Know if, when, and where they filed.

Liens, Judgments, Suits: Know any civil filings that have been placed.

SSN Verification: Make sure the SSN is valid.

Background Search: Know all prior names and prior addresses.

Multi-State Court Search: Click HERE for a list of what is covered.

Sex-Offender Search: Click HERE for a list of what is covered.

Felony Search: Click HERE for a list of what is covered.

Manual County and Misdeameanor Search: Have someone go and pull the records personelly.

Information contained herein is derived solely from public records, which may not be 100 percent accurate or complete. Users should consult state and federal laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act, before using this information in making business decisions based on the results. Neither we nor our vendors or suppliers are liable for claims or damages arising from the use of this data, beyond the cost of the search(es) performed by users. Because mis-identifications may occur when trying to identify a particular person, based solely upon name and other identifiers, extreme care must be exercised in the review and use of the information available through this site. This information should not be used in legal proceedings. It is recommended that users of this database obtain the original document from the jurisdiction for the purpose of legal proceedings.




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