Fair Isaac Model Score Factor Codes

Credit Check Continued

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A 01 Current balances on accounts
B 02 Delinquency reported on accounts
C 03 Too few bank revolving accounts
D 04 Too many bank revolving accounts
E 05 Number of accounts with balances
F 06 Number of finance company accounts
G 07 Unable to evaluate recent payment history
H 08 Number of recent inquiries
I 33 Proportion of current loan balance to original loan amount
J 09 Number of accounts opened in the last twelve months
K 10 Proportion of balance to high credit on banking revolving or all revolving accounts
L 11 Current balances on revolving accounts
M 12 Length of revolving account history
N 13 Length of time (or unknown time) since account delinquent
O 14 Length of time accounts have been established
P 15 Insufficient or lack of banking revolving account information
Q 16 Insufficient or lack of revolving account information
R 17  No recent (non-mortgage) account balance information
S 18 Number of accounts delinquent
T 19 Too few rated accounts current
U 24 Lack of recently reported balances on revolving/open accounts
V 20 Length of time since legal item filed or collection item reported
W 21 Amount past due to accounts
Y 32 No recent installment loan information
Z 30 Length of time since most recent account established
* 37 Number of finance company accounts established relative to length of finance history
* 25  Length of installment loan history
* 26 Number of revolving accounts
* 99 Lack of recent history on finance accounts, or lack of finance accounts
* 31 Too few accounts with recent payment history
* 28 Number of accounts established
* 98 Lack of recent information on auto loan, or lack of auto loans
* 36 Length of time open installment loans have been established
X 38 Serious delinquency and public record or collection filed
X 39 Serious delinquency
X 40 Derogatory public record or collection filed


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